What to do with your wedding flowers afterwards?

Wedding flowers after the big day are heart wrenching as they have been lovingly grown by someone, then your florist has put their heart into creating a beautiful bouquet for you. You have loved them, used them and if you are like me couldn’t face throwing them away….but what to do with them?

Here are a few ideas of what to do with your wedding flowers!

  1. A keepsake jar of flowers

Dry your wedding flowers by handing them upside down, in a warm, dry environment away from direct sunlight. Go and enjoy your honeymoon and on your return the flowers will be a good way towards being dry. This method can take a few weeks and you will need to make sure that the flower middles are completely dried out before sealing them into your jar. Perhaps decorate with ribbon and your wedding date.

2. Have them made into a keepsake that you can wear - Wedding flower silver studs.

These gorgeous studs have been created with the smaller rose petals from a wedding bouquet.

3. Large keepsake wedding flower necklace.

Perhaps a statement necklace filled with some of your smaller petals.

4. Floral cufflinks for him as an anniversary gift.

Cufflinks filled with some of the flowers from your wedding day would make a great thank you gift or a one year anniversary present for your husband.

5. Long dangly earrings as thank you presents.

Some long drop earrings which you could wear everyday as a little reminder of your special day.

For more ideas and to see what else Lizzy has created with other people’s wedding flowers take a look at her wedding page. Or take a look at how Lizzy creates your wedding flower jewellery.


Gifts for Garden Lovers


Lizzy shares her process of how she preserves your wedding flowers for you.